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EN 1022:2023 Furniture. Seating. Determination of stability

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BS EN 1022:2023

DS/EN 1022:2023

BS EN 1022:2023 - TC

Furniture - Seating - Determination ofstability

General Information

Status : Definitive

Standard Type: Main

Document No: BS EN 1022:2023

Document Year: 31 Dec 2023

Pages: 52

Section Volume:GBM52 Domestic Equipment& Appliances (GMB52)

ICS:97.140 Furniture

This document specifies test methodsand requirements for the determination of the stability of all types of seatingfor adults weighing up to 110 kg, without regard to use, materials,design/construction or manufacturing process.

The test methods described can be usedfor seating for children and heavier adults by modifying test loads and loadingpoints.

This document does not apply to seatingfor sitting, perching or leaning that requires an action from the user in orderto keep the body posture in a stable position.

This document does not apply tochildren’s highchairs, table mounted chairs and bath seats which are covered byother European Standards.

This document contains three Annexes:

Annex A (normative) – Seat loading paddata

Annex B (normative) – Test parameters

Annex C (informative) – Semi-circularsection of seat and back loading template

EN 1022:2023, titled “Furniture.Seating. Determination of Stability,” sets the benchmark for assessing thestability of various seating types. Whether it’s your favorite armchair, asleek office chair, or a cozy sofa, this standard ensures that your seatingexperience remains secure and wobble-free.

Expanded Scope: EN 1022:2023 now coversall types of seating for adults, regardless of their use, materials, design, ormanufacturing process. From plush recliners to minimalist stools, this standardhas got you covered.

Adaptable Testing: The test methodsdescribed in EN 1022:2023 can be tweaked for seating designed for children orheavier adults.

Exclusions: Children’s highchairs,table-mounted chairs, and bath seats have their own European Standards and arenot part of EN 1022:2023.

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