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IEC60695-2-10 Edition 2(2013) Glow Wire test Update

Add time:2014-02-17   Clicks:5355   [Return]

IEC60695-2-10 Edition 2(2013) Glow Wire test Update

The Glow-Wire tester is used to establish if overheated electrical andelectronic components resulting from malfunctions such as overload, shortcircuit, poor connection, or others may ignite and spread the flame to the restof the product. The Glow-Wire Tester simulates an overloaded resistor or otherignition source and applies heat to the specimen for a short period of time.Through observation and measurement, the fire hazard of the specimen can bedetermined.

IEC 60695-2 Edition 2(2013) - Part 2: Glowing/hot-wire based testmethods- Glow-wire apparatus and common test procedure issue on Apr, 2013.Below please find main update info than before old Edition 1 standard:

1, Claues 4.1: Glow Wire is formed from Cr/Ni(>77% Ni/20±1 % Cr, A new glow –wire shall be annealedfor a total of at least 10h by being subjected to a current of at least 120Abefore being used for a test run. The mainpurpose is to balance the glow wire

2, Claues 4.1: Pressure of test sample change to 0.95N±0.1N, This requires increasing thepressure calibration accuracy in the calibration of equipment to meet therequirements.

3, Clasue 4.3: the Temperature Testing Component : Type K thermocouplechange to an overall nominal diameter of 1.0mm. Thermocouple mounted inthe hole in the top of the glow-wire thermocouple installation to ensure thatfollow the glow-wire expansion to ensure the accuracy of the measurementresults.

4, Clasue 5.2: Verification of the temperature measuring system, thecalibration temperation change to 960℃±10℃ from 960℃±15℃

Our Safequipment SFT F3-3020 Glow wire tester can full performanceIEC60695-2-10 Edition 2(2013) standard, more info please reference this link:

SFT F3-3020 Glow wire tester

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