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16 CFR 1610 Update for Flammability of Clothing Textiles

Add time:2013-06-18   Clicks:4164   [Return]

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has been pursuingrevisions to the US test for flammability of clothing textiles. Update 16 CFR1610 takes effect --September 21, 2008. For full details see

The new standard has some differences in the construction of the cabinetbut does now accept that we (and our competitors) use electronic or electromechanical timers instead of the specified spring wound timers and othersimilar updates. There are now metric dimensions in the standard instead of inches only. Thesignificant departures from the original chamber that are present in the newstandard include new picture of the ignition needle that shows it mounted 15degrees from the vertical. Also, the standard now specifies that the stop thread shall be 9.5 mm(0.37 in) above and parallel to the lower surface of the top plate of thespecimen

holder. Previously this height was not specified and some cabinets havethe stop thread 12 mm above the specimen holder. . .

There also is a difference in number of chamber vent holes (11 in newstandard, 12 in old standard.) Although that text of the new standard says 11or 12 holes, the drawing in the standard pictures 11 holes. Werecommend changing to 11 holes to eliminate any questions by an auditor. Thereare two small differences in sheet metal parts, the indicating finger and thegas shield. The drawings in the new standard say that they illustrate examples oftypical gas shield and a typical indicating finger, but the text states “The indicator finger to be used in this test method is illustratedin Figures 1, 2 and 4 of this part “ and “The test flame shall be protected by a shield. See Figure 5.”

Another change in the new standard that is significant is ---

“Samples shall be dry cleaned in a commercial dry cleaning machine,using the following prescribed conditions:

Solvent: Perchloroethylene, commercial grade Detergent class: Cationic.

Cleaning time: 10-15 minutes.

Extraction time: 3 minutes.

Drying Temperature: 60-66° C (140-150° F).

Drying Time: 1820 minutes.

Cool Down/Deodorization time: 5minutes.

Samples shall be dry cleaned in a load that is 80% of the machine'scapacity.

SFT F4-4040 45º Automatic Flammability Tester according to 16 CFR1610 etc. standard, more info please find below link:

SFT F4-4050

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