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X-Rite launches SpectraLight QC

Add time:2012-11-02   Clicks:3145   [Return]

X-Rite launches SpectraLight QC and new training institute to helpimprove speed to market and reduce costs when visually evaluating the colors oftextiles, plastic parts, and coatings

New light booth and X-Rite Visual Color Assessment Institute aidsmanufacturers that want to raise the bar on visual evaluation of productsdistributed through global supply chains

more SpectrLight QC info, please referencefollow link:
X-Rite QC

Responding to the needs of global customers,the SpectraLight QC reduces the rate of sample rejections at multiple locationsby providing better consistency of light sources and standard conditions underwhich the color of products are assessed visually. The result: improved speedto market and reduced overall costs. SpectraLight QC gives  Quality Controlmanagers  new monitoring and reporting tools to more precisely control andcommunicate how visual assessments of samples are performed.

X-Rite, the world's largest designer andmanufacturer of color management and communication solutions, launched theX-Rite Visual Color Assessment Institute concurrent with the SpectraLight QClight booth to introduce vendors and brand owners to best practices andstandard operating procedures for the visual evaluation of color.

The institute provides easy-to-understandmaterials that explain the basics of color theory and special topics that applyto the visual evaluation of color.  Participants in the institute study attheir own pace, then take self-administered tests online to earn acertification in best practices for visual evaluation of colors. As anintroductory offer, companies that purchase a SpectraLight QC will have accessto the institute at no charge.

SpectraLight QC offers more standardizedillumination sources than any visual assessment QC solution on the market,faithfully replicating the lighting that one would find in natural daylight, atthe shopping mall, at home or in other settings.  When used in tandem withdefined procedures, the SpectraLight QC ensures that quality control personnelcan make valid color evaluations regarding whether samples meet the needs andspecifications of customers.

SpectraLight QC provides a cost-effective wayfor companies to evaluate how the colors of products look when they are placedunder the same illumination as where they are sold or used -- illumination thatis often specified by customers to ensure the same controlled conditions areused within their supply chains.  In many cases, end users want qualitycontrol personnel and lab technicians to make judgments on the suitability ofsample colors using their eyes rather than just numerical values frominstrumentation.

X-Rite designed the SpectraLight QC to providetightly calibrated illumination that ensures consistent and reproducibleresults, flexibility to deal with new international standards on very light anddark samples, and automation to speed the testing process and reduce instancesof record-keeping mistakes.

The SpectraLight QC uses digital programmingto precisely control and display light levels to enable customers to accuratelyand consistently meet ASTM International and AATCC (American Association ofTextile Chemists and Colorists) standards for illumination levels specified formaking critical evaluations. The new light booth uses built-in sensors to monitorand automatically adjust fluorescent lamp light levels, compensating for thediminishing lux due to age and wear.

The ultraviolet light source of everySpectraLight QC is precisely calibrated at the factory and built-in sensorsautomatically monitor and correct UV content as the booth operates. Users canalso control the amount of UV if desired for evaluation of samples containingvarying levels of optical brighteners. This real-time monitoring and controlprovides a higher level of inter-instrument agreement, aligning visualassessment environments throughout a supply chain.

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