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ASTM F963-23: Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety

Add time:2024-01-02   Clicks:607   [Return]

ASTM F963-23:Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety

In October 2023, ASTM International published the revised standardconsumer safety specification for toy safety with the designation ASTM F963-23.The standard was revised by the ASTM Toy Safety Subcommittee (F15.22) andapproved on August 1, 2023.

The revised standard includes changesto the following requirements:

Sound-producing toys

Battery accessibility

Expanding materials


The standard was also revised to alignwith Federal and CPSC requirements on phthalates, toy substrate materialexemptions and tracking labels.

When a voluntary standard isincorporated by reference under section 104(b)(1) of the Consumer ProductSafety Improvement (CPSIA), the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has90 days upon receiving such notification from the voluntary standard organizationto reject or accept the revised standard. If the CPSC accepts the revisedstandard, then it will be considered a consumer product safety standard issuedunder section 9 of the Consumer Product Safety Act, effective 180 days (16thApril, 2024) after the CPSC received notification of the revision (or a laterdate specified by CPSC in the Federal Register).

A copy of the standard can be purchasedhere:

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