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Safequipment Introduces SFT T5-5023 Perspiration Tester

Add time:2023-10-26   Clicks:1348   [Return]

Introducing the Safequipment SFT T5-5023Perspiration Tester: A Revolutionary Tool for Textile ColorfastnessAssessment.

In theever evolving world of textiles, ensuring colorfastness is paramount tomaintaining product quality and customer satisfaction. To address this criticalneed, we are excited to announce the launch of the SFT T5-5023 PerspirationTester, a cutting-edge solution designed to assess the colorfastness oftextiles in the face of water and perspiration exposure.

The SFT T5-5023Perspiration Tester is an innovative device that serves as an invaluableresource for textile manufacturers, quality control professionals, andresearchers. This state-of-the-art equipment facilitates the evaluation of atextile material's resistance to color fading when subjected to water andperspiration, replicating real-world conditions with precision.

Key Features ofthe SFT T5-5023 Perspiration Tester:

Precise TestingMethod: The Perspiration Tester is designed to conform to several industrystandards, including ISO 105 E01/E02/E04, AATCC 15, 106, 107, BS1006, DIN ENISO 105 E01/E02/E04, M&S C6, C7, DIN54005, and more. It accuratelysimulates conditions such as perspiration, seawater, river water, and PVCimmersion.

Comprehensive Kit:The SFT T5-5023 Perspiration Tester comes complete with a stainless steelframe, an 8 LBS (4.5 Kgs) AATCC loading weight, an additional ISO weight, and21 acrylic separator plates (10cm x 4cm). This comprehensive kit equips userswith the tools they need for a thorough assessment.

Robust TestingProcess: The SFT T5-5023 Perspiration Tester performs tests by treating textilespecimens with both acid and alkaline solutions, followed by the application ofa specific load between separator plates. The units are then placed in an oven fora predefined duration, mimicking real-world conditions. The specimens aresubsequently assessed using grey scales.

For more SFT T5-5023 Perspiration Tester information,visit

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